Muhammad Saadat Shakoor Postdoctor |
Research Interests:
1) Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Interaction with Solids and CD-SEM
2) Radiation Damages in Materials
List of Publications
1) An Extensive Theoretical Quantification of Secondary Electron Emission from Silicon
Reference: M.S.S. Khan, S.F. Mao, Y.B. Zou, D.B. Lu, B. Da, Y.G. Li and Z.J. Ding
Vacuum 215, (2023), 112257
2) Uncertainty Evaluation of Monte Carlo Simulated Line Scan Profiles of Critical Dimension
Scanning Electron Microscope (CD-SEM)
Reference: M.S.S. Khan, S.F. Mao, Y.B. Zou, Y.G. Li, B. Da and Z.J. Ding
Journal of Applied Physics, 133, (2023), 245303
3) Critical-Dimension Scanning Electron Microscope Characterization of Smoothly Varying
Wave Structures with a Monte Carlo Simulation
Reference: M.S.S. Khan, L.H. Yang, X. Deng, S.F. Mao, Y.B. Zou, Y.G. Li, H.M. Li and
Z.J. Ding
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, (2021), 445301
4) Monte Carlo Simulation of Secondary Electron Emission from Wave-type Structure
Reference: M.S.S. Khan, Y.B. Zou, C. Li and Z.J. Ding
Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 49, (2019), 79
5) A Theoretical Characterization Method for Non-spherical Core-Shell Nanoparticles by
Reference: J.M. Gong, M.S.S. Khan, B. Da, H. Yoshikawa, S. Tanuma and Z.J. Ding
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, (2023), 20917
6) Use of Model-Based Library in Critical Dimension Measurement by CD-SEM
Reference: Y.B. Zou, M.S.S. Khan, H.M. Li, Y.G. Li, W. Li, S.T. Gao, L.S. Liu and Z.J. Ding
Measurement, 123, (2018), 150
7) NRIC: A Noise Removal Approach for Nonlinear Isomap Method
Reference: M. Yousaf, M.S.S. Khan, T.U. Rehman, S. Ullah and L. Jing
Neural Processing Letters, 53, (2021), 2277
8) NR-Isomap: An Incremental Approach with Gaussian Process Kernels for Denoising
Reference: M. Yousaf, M.S.S. Khan, S. Ullah, S. Wang and L. Jing
In 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on BDAI, (2023), 40
9) Influence of Energy Loss Function to the Monte Carlo Simulated Electron Backscattering
Reference: H.T. Chen, Y.B. Zou, S.F. Mao, M.S.S. Khan, K. Tőkési and Z.J. Ding
Scientific Report 12, (2022), 18201